The Patient Experience: Mapping the Care Pathway

The journey of the patient with diabetes from first point-of-care to ophthalmologist (or retina specialist) is often complex and riddled with situational, systemic, and environmental barriers that contribute to non-adherence.  It is important to understand the patient’s journey at a country-level and barriers along this journey to develop targeted interventions that improve access to eye screening, diagnosis, and treatment.

Through interviews with key experts and stakeholders, this work maps the journey from first point-of-care to specialist for those with diabetes and nAMD in five pilot countries (Canada, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, and Turkey) and documents the complex array of factors that impact the journey to a specialist.

Mapping patient referral pathways provides a mechanism to understand barriers that exist across health systems and a tool to mobilize policy and practice interventions outside of the eye clinic.

Driving Evidence to Action though In-country Meetings

Highlighting findings from the mapping of care pathways and the Barometer Global Survey, in-country meetings aim to bring together key members of the Barometer Program and thought leaders to explore findings at a country and clinic level, establish ways of knowledge sharing and exchange, and develop an action plan towards implementing policy and practice solutions.


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